DataWise employs Fulltime Staff, Product Specialists and DataWise Accredited Consultants.
Product Specialists are the main force for developing specialist products. They take on one product and drive it's development on behalf of users.
Accredited consultants form the team who supply the feedback for product improvement, test new developments and deliver training classes, personalised consulting and financial services to our valued clients.
Mark Crichton - Director Ba BCom
Mark is responsible for the product design and development using Microsoft Visual Foxpro and WinDev. With over 30 years experience in accounting and software development, there's always new products being developed.
Cindy Crichton - Director
Mike James - Product Manager DataWise Customisation Services and is also DataWise Report Writer Specialist
Mike specialises in creating new reports and writes custom reports. He determines which reports are added to the web site downloads. Mike was given the inaugural MYOB "Partner of the Year" award in 2006. MIke is also a major contributor to the MYOB forum and was a member of MYOB's Partner Advisory Group until it was disbanded.
Colin Stuttle - DataWise Report Writer Specialist - Wellington
Colin is an Approved MYOB Consultant with many years experience with MYOB and writing reports and interfaces with MYOB. Programs in Microsoft Visual Foxpro and WinDev. Colin lives in Levin and provides on site support for customers local to Wellington.
Bruce Turner - DataWise Shareholder and specialist in travel software.
Bruce is a valued adviser and assists us with legacy VFP sites and now programs in .Net