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DataWise works with many of the MYOB products, including MYOB Accounting and AccountRight Family, MYOB Payroll, Exo Payroll, and Retail Manager.



MYOB Job reporting

Why use Job Profit reports?

Quote from a current user:

“Jobs are the core of our business. We need good analysis to ensure we stay profitable.”  Fred Smith has relied on DataWise to keep his jobs profitable.

Job profitability matters because:

•    Reporting is vital as jobs are the core of many business.
•    Knowing which jobs are profitable helps companies make wise financial decisions.

Benefits of job profit reports:

•    Will help a company see where their job costs are too high/ too low.
•    Make sure all costs have been accounted for and invoiced correctly to the customer
•    Measure job managers by job profit rather than job revenue.
•    Assist in quoting more efffectively on future work.

For businesses to get the most out of their job reports they need to see job profits for each main segment of their operation.

 Sample Job Reports